This card is mainly used as a backup, however if tributing 1 monster it is slightly faster than using ARA, however if tributing 2 monsters it takes slightly longer. (2-3) Chaos Form (CF): The signature ritual spell card for CMD, works the same as any spell card tributing cards from your hand and field that equal the lvl of the monster you want to summon. There will be a section on cutting down animations further in. Keep in mind there is a shuffling animation. In this case both Blue-Eyes’ are lvl 8 therefore it works perfectly.
(2 - 3) Blue-Eyes White Dragon (BEWD): Fodder for Advanced Ritual Art and can be summoned for extra damage but is advised against unless absolutely necessary as the summoning animation takes time to complete as well as risks crashing the game.ģ Advanced Ritual Art (ARA): The aforementioned ritual spell, it allows you to summon any ritual monster using normal monster from your deck whose levels equal the ritual monster. Most importantly it cannot be targeted by your opponent and cannot be destroyed by opponent’s card effects, so for example Mirror Force/Torrential Tribute does not affect this card It has the aforementioned “double piercing” on top of 4000 ATK. CARDS-ģ Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon (CMD): Why use this card? It’s very easy to summon using either Chaos Form, or Advanced Ritual Art.
The goal of this deck is to go 2nd, summon a Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon, as well as a 0 DEF monster in defense position on your side of the field, donate the 0 DEF monster to your opponent, and attack into it using Blue-Eyes dealing double piercing damage in the amount of 8000 for an OTK.